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Rebecca Bay, Lehigh University  Failure-Resistance of Composite Materials   Dr. Min Zhou ME
 John Beach, Washington University  Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Hierarchically Structured  Prof. Zhiqun Lin MSE
 Francesca Bell Loughead, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee  Multi-Scale Microstructure Considerations in Numerical and Experimental Study of Shock Response of Materials  Dr. Sunil Dwivedi and Prof. Naresh Thadhani MSE
 Andrea Bollinger, University of Florida  Identifying Percolation Thresholds for Segregated Network Composites  Dr. Rosario Gerhardt - MSE
 Autumn Bullard, Norfolk State University  Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Metal Substrates as Electrodes for Supercapacitors  Prof David Stollberg
 Venkat Goli, Georgia Institute of Technology  High-Throughput Synthesis of Janus Particles of Sub-Micron Size  Dr. Todd Sulchek
 Abigail Halim, Georgia Institute of Technology Alignment of Organic Small Molecules  Prof. Seth Marder
 Melissa Ishii, University of Portland  Design of plate impact experiments to generate shear waves  Dr. Daniel Eakins
 Yuanda Li, Georgia Tech  Electrochemical Supercapacitors Dr. Satish Kumar - MSE
 Allen Liu, Johns Hopkins University   Conjugation of DNA to Polyethylene Glycol Grafted Microspheres Dr. Valeria Milam - MSE
 Stephanie Marzen, MIT  Novel Electrodes for Lithium Air Batteries Prof. Meilin Liu - MSE
 Elizabeth Nolte, Missouri University of Science and Technology  Mechanisms of Degradation in Prestressed Concrete Nuclear Containment Buildings  Dr. Kimberly Kurtis and Dr. Larry Kahn
 Lorenzo Tolentino, Georgia Institute of Technology  Engineered Silk Interfaces  Professor: Vladimir V. Tsukruk - MSE
 Amanda Williams, University of South Carolina  Fabrication of a Cellulose-Based Nanocomposite as a Potential Scaffold in Tissue Engineering  Prof. Hamid Garmestani - MSE